Ms.Michigan Outstanding Teen, Vanessa Chambe
What a wonderful night we had this past week when we were honored to have the current reigning @Miss Michigan Outstanding Teen 2015 - Vanessa Chambe as our special guest!
This young woman is quite special. She has been involved in Girl Scouts most of her life, she promotes community service and volunteers within her community, wherever she can. She is about to begin her senior year as the senior class President. She is also a very talented tap dancer and loves bike riding. She was attracted to the program due to it's foundation being built on scholarships and service programs.
Vanessa told us that she credits the Miss America organization for helping her to improve her confidence and find a way to a career path (she will be majoring in communications when she starts college).
For now, she will continue to support the service missions of the organization and try to enjoy every minute of this amazing experience!