Little Free Library comes to Victory Park
Today was a very special day in Belleville, MI! The Rotary Club of Belleville is very proud to announce the installation of our first "Little Free Library"! We held our installation ceremony on-site, at Victory Park, located at 5-points, in downtown Belleville. The library was placed on the grounds of the park gazebo that we are currently in the process of restoring. Gathered, were many members of our club, including our current President, Jeremy Richardson and Vice-President, Julie Hardy as well as our current District Governor, Liz Smith. This beautiful library was designed and crafted by one of our own members, Dr. John MacDermid.
Little Free Libraries help to support our mission of promoting literacy within our community by offering free books with a "take-a-book, leave-a-book" approach. Inside, you will find books for children and adults of all ages. If you live within the area please stop by and visit! And, if you have some time, grab a book, take a seat and enjoy a good read.
Please feel free to share this story and help us get the word out about this beautiful library!